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The motivation behind my mental health advocacy

During my PhD, I experienced mental health concerns for the first time. It was during this period I realised the stigma that still surrounds mental illness, the lack of awareness of issues that might affect mental health in academia, and the lack of tailored support for PhD students. 
I believe for us to truly solve the biggest challenges of today we must have diverse teams of talented individuals working towards one common goal. I also strongly believe that wellbeing and productivity go hand in hand, and am interested in this intersection, enabling researchers to be at prolonged peak performance. For these reasons I advocate for improved mental health awareness and support in academia and beyond, as well as greater representation and inclusivity within STEM,  alongside my day job as a scientist.

I write magazine articles and blogs about mental health in academia, consult on improving mental health for PhD student experience and deliver talks on academic mental health - if you would like me to come speak at an event, be on a panel about mental health, or write for you please get in touch!

Find out more


About me 

Analytical scientist

  • Best-selling author of "Managing Your Mental Heal th During Your PhD".

  • Creator of #mentalhealth Twitter poster series, exploring mental health in academia. Find them here.

  • Project lead for Twitter campaign #100voices, sharing 100 mental health journeys from researchers over 100 days to reduce the stigma.

  • Co-founder of "Voices of Academia" - mental health blog for academics.

  • Numerous mental health articles.

Mental Health Advocate

  • Co-applicant for "Breaking Barriers" seminar series

  • Co-author of Warwick Chemistry International Women's Day report - on improving gender diversity in the department, including action plan.

  • Wellbeing and Diversity committee - Uinversity of Warwick.

  • Featured in 1MWIS project.

  • RSC supported "Diversity Book Club" project

  • Project lead,  Enable Scence/ Compound Chem Disabled Scientist Spotlight Series

Outreach and SciComm

ED&I work


  • Project lead for exhibit design "Diamond: more than just a gemstone" Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2016.

  • Schools' Analyst competition host at University of Warwick (2019).

  • Outreach articles: "What is Analytical Science?" and "Catching a cheat".

  • Numerous other events including "Chemistry at Work", "Science Lates", outreach at local schools and departmental seminars.

All my mental health posters and resources will always be free. If you want to send some kindness my way: 

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